Can I add photos to my pets’ timeline and childrens’ timeline at the same time?

Yup! Huply and BackThen work together so you don’t have to waste time or valuable space. You only need to upload a memory (a photo, video or story) once, to either app. If it features your children and pets together, just ‘tag’ who’s in the photo, video or story, and the ‘memory’ will appear in all relevant timelines. This makes adding shared moments as easy as possible, avoiding duplication, and saving your time and storage.

If you are uploading a shared moment via Huply for example, follow the usual upload process. If you have access to more than one timeline (across both apps), you'll see this screen:

In Huply, your pets will appear at the top and children below. You can tag each moment one-by-one, or tag all moments simultaneously if they feature the same children and pets.

In BackThen your children appear at the top and pets beneath, but the same process applies.

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